Request free analysis of a data storage medium

Filling out the analysis application form and the analysis of your data carrier are absolutely FREE! After the analysis of your data carrier you'll receive an offer with a fixed price, when you agree with this offer AND we manage to recover your data (complete or partial recovery), then this will be charged. If you refuse the offer and would like to have your disk/usb-stick/flash card back, the shipping costs will be charged (20 euros + VAT), pickup at our lab in Ypres is free.

Our Data Recovery Service has two parts:

- PHASE I: Free analysis
- PHASE II: The recovery of your data

PHASE I: Free analysis.

Within 2 workdays after the laboratory has received your package, we analyze if the data recovery of your data storage device will be successful or not, according to us. If so, we will send you an offer without engagement. If recovery can’t be done (because of technical reasons) or may not be done (your own choice), you can come and pick up the damaged data support device, you can let it destroy by us for free, or you can let us send it back to you by a courier company for 20 euro (VAT excl.).

PHASE II: The recovery of your data.

After your written agreement, we will plan the recovery in accordance with the period chosen by you (between 24 hours and two weeks). Only at the end of this period the actual data recovery will be a fact. If, contrary to all expectations, the recovery is unfortunately not possible, there will be no costs, except for returning your package (if desired). In case of a partial recovery: here we charge a percentage of the offer. The allocation clause is specified in the offer.

EXCEPTION: If the analysis tells us that a recovery will be very difficult and risky, and if we need to order specific parts, we will ask already in the offer your agreement to prepay the costs of these tools, whether the recovery will be successful or not. Of course, you are free to refuse.

PAYMENT: Except in the situation of the above paragraph, we only make an invoice after the recovery, after you have approved the data list. We deliver your data after we have received payment or an evidence of payment.

GUARANTEE: Most storage device manufacturers accept a certificate from Datarecuperatie bvba in order to preserve the guarantee. To be certain you better ask first for information to the manufacturer.

Price list

Click here for the most recent price list .

New service: data recovery on site!

26 September 2016
26 SEP

Today we're happy to announce a new service that Datarecuperatie BVBA will provide to it's customers. As of now, we offer the ability to perform data recovery on site, at your own company.

Why choose for Datarecuperatie®?

High-tech laboratory

100% safe

80% success rate

24h / 7d service