Professional Datarecovery Services


Professional data recovery services are sold using a fixed-price approach. A fixed amount is paid for all cases of a certain type of storage medium. This occurs regardless of the difficulty, but according to clearly defined efforts. Once the efforts needed to make this recovery successful exceed the specified efforts, the case is abandoned or referred to the "Premium Datarecovery Services" .

Make a request


For years, Datarecuperatie BV has been synonymous with an extensive service. Datarecuperatie always goes to great lengths to recover data. This often results in high costs that can only be covered with a customized price. Due to the lengthy efforts, waiting times also tend to be extended. To meet the market demand and make a fair comparison between the services offered in the data recovery market, it was decided to separate these two forms of services. As a result, Datarecuperatie tailors the Standard Data Recovery Service to comparable fixed-price services within the data recovery market.  

Make a request

Price structure :

For each type of storage medium, you can find a price below in relation to the timeframe in which the data can be delivered and in relation to the type and size of the medium.

Our prices are divided into 3 main groups:

- The hard drives, SSDs, smartphones, tablets...

- The USB sticks, SD cards...

- The RAID systems

Within these groups, a distinction is also made between physical, complex recoveries and software recoveries.

Price Table :

Harde schijven, SSD's, Smartphones
  • Softwarematige recuperatie
  • (Verwijderde bestanden, verloren partities, datadrager wordt niet meer herkend...)
  • €247

  • Fysieke, complexe recuperatie
  • (Beschadigde leeskoppen, beschadigde sectoren, beschadigde elektronische componenten...)
  • €705
USB-stick, SD-Card
  • Softwarematige recuperatie
  • (Verwijderde bestanden, verloren partities, datadrager wordt niet meer herkend...)
  • €185

  • Fysieke, complexe recuperatie
  • (Beschadigde elektronische componenten...)
  • €353

Ransomware and the Cloud

04 August 2020
04 AUG

Unfortunately, my past predictions are coming true; the cloud is also not safe from hackers

Why choose Datarecuperatie®?

High-tech laboratory

100% safe

80% success rate

24h / 7d service